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With the recent death of Sarasota County Commissioner Nancy Detert, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will now select a replacement for the remainder of Detert’s term to expire at the end of 2024. The question is -- will DeSantis appoint a Pat Neal Establishment candidate or an America First candidate.

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America First Florida State Rep. Ryan Chamberlin and family

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In Sarasota County, as it was recently in Marion County there will be an America First candidate facing Republican establishment candidates. In Marion County a grassroots America First candidate Ryan Chamberlin, whose campaign was led by an America First grassroots activists Annie Maria Delgado defeated three Republican establishment candidates. Delgado is the President and founder of Conservative Watch USA based in the bastion of Republican conservatism in Cenral Florida.

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A decision by DeSantis to appoint a Sarasota County Commissioner will indicate to grassroots Republicans if DeSantis is just another Florida Establishment Republican Governor in the pockets of multimillion dollar “Pay to Play” developers like Neal and Carlos Beruff--- or a Florida Governor supporting an America First candidate. 

Will DeSantis appoint an America First candidate Jimenez-Hopper, who believes today as she publicly stated in her campaign to be a Minnesota State Legislator in 2018, “If we ever needed a leader that holds true to our values as a Christian and as a mother, now is the time.


Neal is the former 12-year Democrat State Senator defeated by a Reagan Republican conservative candidate in 1986. Neal has called former President Donald Trump among other damning statements, "Trump is an incredibly vulgar candidate who is leading our party off a cliff and I am dispirited with what I see every morning having to do with the Trump campaign.”

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Neal campaigning with Putnam in 2018

Neal, who was a major supporter of Adam Putnam when he ran against DeSantis for Governor of Florida in 2018 has now bought into DeSantis with over a million dollars in contributions to DeSantis. Neal, who now controls the Sarasota REC awarded the REC's Statesman of the Year award to DeSantis last year.

Neal has for years raised millions of dollars from fellow RINO “Pay to Play” Developers to stuff Florida politicians in their pockets. In gaining favor with whoever is Governor of Florida makes no difference to Neal--be it the former Democrat Lawton Childs or Republicans, Jeb Bush, Charlie Crist and Rick Scott. "Pay to Play" developers like Neal and Beruff have been corrupting Florida politicians for years.

Neal supported Crist when he ran as a Independent for the U.S Senate against Marco Rubio and Beruff ran against Rubio in a Repblican primary in 2016 and lost 82% to 18%.

Former Sarasota County Sheriff Tom Knight and recently elected Venice Mayor Nick Pachota are two establishment candidates tied closely to local multimillion dollar establishment developers like Neal, Beruff and others, who are seeking a DeSantis appointment. Neal, Beruff and their cronies can live with Knight or Pachota. DIT

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America First candidate Jimenez-Hopper campaigning for the State House in Minnesota


Alicia Jimenez-Hopper, who is the America First candidate seeking to gain DeSantis nod to become a Sarasota County Commissioner is an 34 year old woman married to a former United States Marine, who served in Afghanistan. Jimenez-Hopper has two children ages eight and six, who are attending a Venice public elementary school.

Jimenez-Hopper is employed by Sarasota County Government as a Project & Strategy Coordinator with a Bachelor of Business Administration and Marketing degree from the University of Wisconsin-Eau-Claire.

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Jimenez-Hopper is the State of Florida liaison for Moms for America, which was founded in 2004. On a Moms for America web page it is stated, "Moms for America is a national, non-profit 501c3 educational corporation rooted on the principles of liberty and virtue our nation was founded on, and focused on promoting these principles, values, and virtues in the home and family, particularly through the women and mothers of America."

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Maye-Quade campaigning with Democrat U.S Congresswoman Llhan Omar

Hopper ran and lost in a close race (52% to 47%) for a Minnesota state Representative seat in 2016. Jimenez-Hooper ran against Erin Maye Quade, who was an organizer for the Obama presidential campaign, Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s campaign, Gov. Mark Dayton’s campaign, and worked in U.S Representative Keith Ellison’s office. Ellison is now Chairman of the Democrat National Committee (DNC). 

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Maye-Quade being sworn in as Minnesota State Senator in 2018

Maye-Quade went on to become a candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota in 2018. After losing in the primary, Maye-Quade become the first openly LGBTQ woman elected to the Minnesota Senate. Maye-Quade' wife is the Political Director of the Minnesota-Democrat-Farmer-Labor Party.


In a speech at the Minnesota Republican convention in 2016, where Jimenez-Hopper won the endorsement to run for the seat in the Minnesota House of Representatives against Maye-Quade, Jiminez-Hopper made a great deal about why she was running against Maye-Quade and her own Christian faith:

“If we ever needed a leader that holds true to our values as a Christian and as a mother, now is the time. If we ever needed a leader to claim our responsibility to make the right choices to shape ourself holding the values of integrity and honor, now is the time. I am a fighter and I fight for what is right.

I’m ready to take on the responsibility to make the right choices to better shape our state and our community. I know from the bottom of my heart that I am not for socialist programs. I believe in small businesses and I believe that hard work will prevail. I believe in low taxes. I believe in the traditional marriage in the sense that it’s between a husband and wife and that family is important. We need to have these values so we can go forth and think about your community.”


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Sandra Jimenez

Jimenez-Hopper is daughter of Sandra Jimenez who ran for the Minnesota Legislature 2020, as the GOP-endorsed candidate for a House district against Democrat John Huit. Sandra Jimenez considered running for the Sarasota County School Board in 2022, but declined to run and supported Tim Enos for the position.

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Jose Jimenez

Sandra Jimenez Rep. District overlapped the Minnesota Senate district that Jimenez-Hopper father, Jose Jimenez ran also as a GOP endorsed candidate against Sen. Greg Clausen in 2020. Both Sandra and Jose Jimenez were ahead at midnight on the night of the election, but when the final results were announced hours later, Sandra and Jose Jimenez were defeated by less than 5%. Jose Jiminez is a practicing attorney.

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Rioters set fire to Police Station in Minneapolis


After the mayor of Minneapolis asked the state National Guard to move in after protests over the death of George Floyd escalated with a fatal shooting, widespread looting, fires and the police deployment of tear gas and demands for the defunding of the police, Alicia and her parents took a look at the political climate in Minnesota and became concerned.

Alicia with two small children and being attacked before and after in her campaign against Maye-Quade for her views on identity politics and her strong Christian pro family views, which after her election loss resulted in her been forced out of her job, Alica decided to move to Florida.

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Demonstrators in Minneapolis seeking to defund police

Alicia's parents also decided to join Alicia and move to Florida. They had become troubled over the lawlessness, Covid issues, abortion issues and criminal justice issues, among other social issues being promoted politically in Minnesota. They were also concerned how Alicia with two small children was being attacked for her political and social views.

Since moving to Florida, Alicia and her parents have become actively involved in the Republican Party with membership in the local REC and other Republican organizations.


Two of Neal's favorites to be appointed by DeSantis are Knight and Pachota, who Neal and his fellow "Pay to Play" developers have stuffed in their pockets in their previous elections.

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Knight's Godfather - Neal

Knight was Neal’s handpicked Sarasota County Sheriff from2008 to 2020. Knight was a major supporter of Adam Putnam, as was Neal when Putnam ran against DeSantis for Governor in 2018.

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The Prince of Dirty Dark PAC money Robinson and Knight

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Robinson is one of Neal's "bag men"

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After gaining Neal's approval at a meeting with Neal at Neal's office in Lakewood Ranch in 2008, Knight was assigned to Neal's political operatives Bob Waechter and Eric "The Prince of Dirty Dark PAC Money" Robinson to make Neal, Knight's Godfather. 


Knight had a deal with Putnam in 2018 that Neal arranged with Putnam. Knight would endorse Putnam and after Putnam became Governor, Knight would then resign and Putnam would appoint another Neal flunky, Kurt Hoffman to replace Knight.

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Knight and Hoffman

Unfortunately for Knight and the rest of the local Neal political machine who endorsed Putnam, DeSantis defeated Putnam. Knight stayed on as Sheriff to the end of his term and then resigned endorsing Neal’s flunky Hoffman to replace him.   

The question now is that since Neal having ponied up to DeSantis with over a million dollars in contributions to DeSantis, will DeSantis forget the past and make Knight another vote for Neal and his cronies on the Sarasota County Commissioner?

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The other Neal candidate that Neal and his cronies can live with to replace Detert is Nick Pachota, who is a Venice fire fighter and restaurant manager and recently elected Mayor of Venice.

Anyone who is involved with politics in the area knows that Pachota was stuffed in Neal’s pockets in the Venice Mayor's race. Pachota had major campaign contributions from Neal and other major developers, who have had control of the Venice Mayor’s office and Venice City Council for years.

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Pachota campaign for Mayor was aided by numerous campaign hit pieces by a Neal political operative out of Tallahassee, Stafford Jones. Jones has replaced Robinson, as Neal's major bag man moving dirty dark PAC money out of Tallahassee to elect Neal handpicked politicians like Pachota.

In 2017, Neal brought in the Tallahassee based Jones to take out Venice City Council member Deborah Anderson. In 2019, Neal bought in Jones to take out Venice Mayor, Ron Feinsod. In 2021, Neal brought in Jones to take out Alice White, who was running for the North Port City Commission in 2021 against Neal's handpicked candidate, Robert Garren. In 2022 Neal brought in Jones to take out Frankie Abbruzino against Pachota for Mayor of Venice.


Being it that Sarasota County has gained the attention of the national media, due to being the center of a culture war in the Republican conservative bastion of Southwest Florida, who DeSantis appoints will gain not just local attention, but state- and nation-wide attention. That will be due to who DeSantis picks to replace Detert. Will it be a Neal establishment candidate or a America First candidate?

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Bridget Ziegler

Media attention has centered over the recent takeover of the Sarasota County School Board by Republican conservatives chaired by the founder of Mom for Liberty, Bridget Ziegler, whose advocy for a "Parents’ Bill of Rights” helped pave the way for the Parental Rights in Education act, known to its opponents as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Added together with a DeSantis takeover of local New College and issues at the Sarasota Memorial Hospital, national attention has been brougt to Sarasota.

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Sarah Parker of Women of Soutwest Florida has been demonstrating against DeSantis takeover of New College

Sarasota has seen the Washington Post, CNN, MSN, Fox News, Morning Joe and other various other national media outlets converging on Sarasota. They have all joined together with the local Sarasota Herald Tribune, creating a biter culture war in Sarasota. 

Bloomberg Media just had two reporters do a three-part series on Bridget Ziegler and the super national liberal Mother Jones magazine recently stroked the flames with this headline:

"Mike Flynn and MAGA Activists Wage War Against a Florida Hospital'

The article stated, " that a hundred people showed up in December’s monthly Sarasota Memorial Hospital board meeting, then 200 in January, and 300 in February. The attendees, some traveling from hours away, lambasted the hospital for adhering to the CDC’s recommended Covid protocols, accusing emergency care physicians of murdering patients." 

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The retired Lieutenant General Flynn, who served as national security adviser under former President Donald Trump has established residence in Sarasota County.

Flynn has become a player in Republican conservative grassroots organizations, especially in Southwest Florida. Flynn has hosted numerous gatherings in the area, which included a recent gathering in Manatee County that outdrew a DeSantis gathering on the same day in neighboring Sarasota County.


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Since the conservative Republican Sarasota County School Board landslide victory that was led by an America First organizer Connie Brunni with strong ties to Flynn, the culture wars concerning Christian and family values has intensified.

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Ruth Beltran of the PSL demostrating at a Sarasota County School Board meeting, SHT reporter Carrie Seidman is in the background.

There have been numerous demonstrations at Sarasota School Board meetings by local, state and national LGBTQ organizations together with the Sarasota County Democrat Executive Committee (DEC) and the "Party of Socialism and Lieration (PSL) a communist organization established in 2004."

These organizations have been showing up in support of Tom Edwards, who is the lone Democrat liberal on the School Board member and a local LGBTQ political operative. Edwards has been targeted for defeat by DeSantis in his upcoming re-election to the School Board in 2024.

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The Ziegler's

Sarasota is also the home of Florida State Senator Joe Gruters, who just recently resigned as Chairman of the Florida Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) and Christian Zigler who is Gruters replacement at the RPOF and husband of Bridget Ziegler.


DeSantis has recently gained the displeasure of America First activists with the appointment of a Neal/Beruff choice, Chad Choate to the Manatee County School Board.

It is also disturbing, not only to America First activists, but also others in the area that DeSantis has continued to appoint Neal handpicked judges from recommendations of Neal's controlled 12th Judicial Nominating Committee.

Neal has been on the 12th Judicial Nominating Committee since 1998, having been appointed by former Democrat Governor Lawton Chiles. Neal has been reappointed by former Florida Governor's Bush, Crist and Scott.


What is indeed troublesome is that Neal is not even a lawyer, who for years has handpicked judges for years in full view of the public and the media. Neal is indeed the "go to man" handpicking the judges in the area.  

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Last November in the Sarasota County Courthouse Judge Charles Roberts, who came out of Neal’s 12th Judicial Nominating Committee in 2002 sent the retired General Flynn to testify in Atlanta. Roberts ruled that Flynn must testify before a special grand jury put together by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in Atlanta. Willis is looking into whether then-President Donald Trump and his allies illegally tried to influence the 2020 election in Georgia.

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Fani Lewis investigating Trump

Due to Flynn living outside Georgia, Willis had to use a process to try to get a judge where he lives in Florida to order him to comply with her summons. Flynn's attorneys had argued that the special grand jury’s investigation was a civil matter, rather than a criminal one. For that reason, Flynn should not be compelled to testify, they argued. 

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Before DeSantis makes a decision to appoint a replacement for Detert, there are rumors circulating that Jack Brill, who is local REC Chairman will recommend to DeSantis that he appoint a Neal handpicked candidate, Teresa Mast to be appointed by DeSantis. Mast husband, Jon Mast is CEO of a local major builders association with strong ties to Neal and other developers.

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Only in a Neal controlled local REC could Mast, who has been auditioning for the County Commission for Neal and his cronies at the Sarasota County Planning Board be recommended to finish Detert’s District 5 term and still run for the Sarasota County Commission in District 1. Mast has already announced to run in District 1 and has raised over $200,000.

Neal and his cronies could have Mast in District 1 and handpick a candidate to run in 2024 for District 5, who will be financed with major campaign contributions and hit pieces from Jones out of Tallahassee.

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This nonsense coming out of a local REC led by Brill , Neal, the convicted felon Waechter, the "Prince of Dirty Dark PAC Money" Robinson and a few other nefarious characters continuing to promote Neal and his establishment cronies stuffing politicians in their pockets making $millions, while turning Florida into one big parking lot---NEEDS TO END.

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Neal, Beruff, Randy Benderson and Rex Jensen are major establishment developers, who are part of a Sarasota culture that New York developer Kevin Maloney, founder and CEO of New York-based Property Markets Group has recently observed about Sarasota with these words; "I’ve been in many cities in America and Sarasota is turning out to be one of the more corrupt cities I’ve ever worked with.”

It is way past time for DeSantis to begin to put an end to this nonsense going on in Sarasota with Neal and his cronies' stuffing politicians in their pockets.


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Jon Susce

Working To Keep Us Informed About What They Don't Want You To Know.

The Sarasota Phoenix team is the last guardian in Sarasota of the vital fourth estate. While the rest of local, mainstream media outlets have been overtaken by profit driven directives, the Sarasota Phoenix is the only local media outlet laying bare for all to see how Sarasota local government is operating like a Latin American Junta.

"Jon uncovers local corruption you will read about nowhere else. Vital and important information." Dan Lobeck

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