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A day after two Porter molestation victims testified in a Sarasota courtroom that self-proclaimed Bishop Henry Porter sexually molested them at Porter's Church and School of Human Development in Downtown Sarasota, three more Porter victims testified Porter groomed and molested them. ure?

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One of the three, Chadwick Watkins who was the author of the Art of Manipulation--My Survival of Molestation stated, "That he was groomed from an infant to praise Porter---The Place of God was where you were groomed." ?EDIT

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Porter's Westcoast Church and School for Human Devlopment

Porter has been alleged to have molested and raped African American children from his Downtown Sarasota Church and School and his multimillion-dollar home in the exclusive Indian Beach/Sapphire Shores neighborhood. 

While the local dysfunctional criminal justice system ignored Porter's sexually abusing Black, sworn statements by Porter's victims state, "that the (Porter) sexual batteries would occur before or after church services or during school hours. 

It is further alleged in sworn statements, "These sexual batteries would occur 3-4 times a week often inside Porter's inner office." The office was in Porter's Church and School in Downtown Sarasota. 

Porter told the accuser that if the accuser told anyone, that no one would believe him, including the police, and that he depended on the "Bishop" for food and shelter. 

The first to testify was a 49-year-old male victim who testified that Porter drove in a limousine down a dirt road in Lake County, Florida to bring him, as a 12-year-old boy back to Sarasota. Porter desired to bring the young boy to live in Porter's Westcoast church and attend Porter's Westcoast School in Sarasota. 

Porter had met the young boy when he came to Porter's Westcoast Church for a revival with fellow members from a church in Lake County. The young boy caught Porter's attention when he was brought on stage at the revival, as being "witnessed" to have found God. 

When Porter found out the young boy lived alone with his aunt in Lake County, Porter made the trip to Lake County after the child returned home. 

Porter persuaded the aunt, who had difficulties disciplining the 12-year-old that the child would find a home and school in Sarasota under Porter and other church members at Westcoast. 

It was just weeks after arriving in Sarasota and taking up residence in an apartment at the Westcoast church that Porter started performing oral and anal sex on the young boy. 

After one alleged anal sex attack, the young boy stated he could not leave the apartment for 2-3 days after the attack. 

The alleged victim stated on a trip with Porter to Tallahassee in Porter's limousine, Porter had him give him oral sex. 

The sexual abuse went on for 7-8 months according to the victim. The victim ran away from the church 3-4 times, but was always brought back by Westcoast members. 

The victim was finally a successful runaway, but unfortunately his later life turned into a life full of crime and drug abuse with over 15 felony convictions. 

The second alleged victim to testify of Porter's sexual abuse was Watkins who posted, "The Art of Manipulation - My survival of Molestation." 

The video was posted on Facebook, which led Sarasota Police Department detectives to investigate Watkins allegations. A few days later Porter was arrested. 

Porter was arrested nearly 20 years after an investigation of Porter was closed in 2003 and a previous investigation 30 years ago in 1990 on Porter molesting African American children was closed. 

Watkins was interviewed by the SPD and alleged the sexual abuse started when he was 15 and lasted until he was 21. The abuse took place in the "Inner Office", which was described as an internal structure of Porter's church in Downtown Sarasota. Watkins told police the abuse included masturbation and other sexual acts. 

Watkins stated he was groomed by Porter the first day his mother, who was a single parent from Palmetto got involved with Porter. 

Watkins stated from the very beginning in the relationship, Porter was described as the ultimate hand of God with Porter in the hand of God. 

Watkins from an early age was a Porter favorite. Porter traveled throughout the United States, Europe and Africa with Porter. Watkins was considered Porter's "right hand man." 

Watkins alleged the first sexual contact he had with Porter was at hotel room in Daytona Beach at age 15 when Porter started kissing him. Watkins then alleged that Porter "went down on him with oral sex and masturbation." 

The sexual molestation would continue at the Westcoast Church's inner office or as Watkins stated, "Whenever Porter would summon him." 

Watkins stated Porter was his idol and he revered Porter. Watkins felt Porter protected him. Watkins stated he was seen to be privileged to be next to God in his relationship to Porter. Watkins stated he would give sex to Porter whenever he wanted sex.

According to Watkins felt he was manipulated and sexually molested by Porter. 

In 2001 the sexual relationship with Porter ended when Watkins began to feel enslaved by Porter. In 2008, Watkins left Sarasota for Miami to pursue a music career. 

After intense therapy sessions in 2019 Watkins released the video. Watkins reasons being that the sexual abuses by Porter would not happen to other children. 

Also, Watkins hoped his revelations of sexual abuse would lead others to seek relief from mental turmoil suffered by sexual abuse.  

The third victim to testify to Porter's alleged sexual molestation was a 37-year-old man who arrived at Porter's Westcoast church by way of Panama City and St. Petersburg, Florida. 

At age 12 the victim was left at Porter church by his father after they moved to Sarasota from St. Petersburg. The father made numerous promises to take the victim with him once he got his life together. The father never returned to take the victim from the residence at Westcoast.  

The victim eventually stays at the Westcoast church and attended the Westcoast School from age12 to 18. Numerous times the victim alleged that he and Porter would perform masturbation and once Poter attempted to perform anal sex on him. 

As with other victims after the sex acts, they would confess their sins and ask God's forgiveness. 


The defense called two witnesses after Ryan Felix for the state ended their case against Porter. The case is expected to go to the jury today after Porter's defense team finishes up today calling their remaining witnesses.